of Origin trading

Find new trading partners, see the Guarantee of Origin price and trade your GO certificates all in one place.

Montel Marketplace Platform

Guarantees of origin market

Montel Marketplace provides a new platform where anyone can trade GOs for free.

Business profiles for trading parties on the platform make it easy to find and connect with new counterparties, while Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements are made simple thanks to instant email contact.

Make counterbids and counteroffers, view your company's trades and sign up for price alerts, before placing your bid and E-signing to complete your trade.

Marketplace alerts

of Origin certificates

GOs are the recognised method of proving that a unit of electricity was generated by a renewable source - 1 certificate is equivalent to 1MWh of power.

Montel Marketplace enables you to search by specific technology type, production year, region, delivery date and registry operator, so you can be sure you are buying the renewable certificates you need.

Technologies currently supported on Montel Marketplace include:
solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and biomass.

GO trading made easy

Watch our short video to get an overview of the Montel Marketplace platform, how to use it and why we set it up.

Any questions?

Our knowledgeable and friendly team are ready to help you with any further questions you might have, or set up some time to walk you through the product. Simply contact Mina using the card below and we will get back to you as soon as we can!

Laura Malinen

Market Manager

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