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Austrian Energy Day 2024

Montel and EXAA invite you to join the Austrian Energy Day 2024 in beautiful Vienna on 26 September.

Register for Austrian Energy Day 2024

Meet us at the Anantara Palais Hansen Vienna for a day of key energy market insights from across the region, delivered by a panel of expert speakers. 

In the evening, we invite you to enjoy great networking on the traditional dinner cruise on MS Vindobona.

For questions, please contact

09:00 - 09:30 Registration and coffee

09:30 - 09:40 Opening words

Moderator Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel News

Session 1: Gas markets

09:40 – 10:05  On the edge of a precipice: Geopolitics and global supply risks

Tobias Federico, Managing Director, Montel Analytics

10:05 – 10:30 End of the energy crisis? Gas market outlook for the coming Winter 24-25 gas market outlook

Jake Horslen, Senior Gas Analyst, Energy Aspects

10:30 – 10:55 End of Russian gas – how will Austria cope?

Karoline Narodoslawsky, Expert for energy policy, Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break

Session 2: Alpine Hydropower

11:30 – 11:55 Key price drivers in the Austrian power market to 2030

Lars Jerrentrup, Senior Associate, Aurora Energy Research

11:55 – 12:15 Winter outlook for the hydrological balance

Eylert Ellefsen, Senior Analyst, Montel

12:15 – 12:30 Q&A

12:35 – 13:50 Lunch

Session 3: Short-term markets

13:50 – 14:15 Greening the grid and keeping the lights on – Infrastructure planning considering sector coupling

Christian Todem, Head of System Development, Austrian Power Grid

14:15 – 14:35 Boosting flexibility (I) – electricity market reform

Sven Kaiser, chair of the ACER/CEER future policy task force and deputy director electricity at E-Control

14:35 – 14:55 Boosting flexibility (II) – the role of battery storage

Marcus Franken, Managing Director, Thema Consulting Deutschland

14:55 – 15:15 Panel discussion

Sabine Wanger, Head of Commercial Austria, ContourGlobal
Christian Todem, Head of System Development, Austrian Power Grid
Sven Kaiser, ACER/CEER future policy task force and E-Control
Marcus Franken, Managing Director, Thema Consulting Deutschland

15:15 – 15:45 Coffee break

Session 4

15:45 – 16:10 Robustness of European Market Coupling and competition among NEMOS

Andrea Benckendorff, CEO, EXAA

16:10 – 16:35 Cleaning up industry – the role of green hydrogen

Klaus Sehling, Commercial Management Business Development, Verbund Green Hydrogen

16:35 - 17:00 Empowering the future: Getting ready for renewable electricity sourcing

Max Schuler, Global Category Lead Power & Natural Gas Projects, Heidelberg Materials

17:00 Closing words

17:00 - 18:00 Drink reception at Anantara Palais Hansen Vienna

18:30 - 22:30 Dinner Cruise


Tobias Federico

Managing Director, Montel Analytics

Jake Horslen

Senior Gas Analyst, Energy Aspects

Karoline Narodoslawsky

Expert for energy policy, Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology

Lars Jerrentrup

Senior Associate, Aurora Energy Research

Eylert Ellefsen

Senior Analyst, Montel

Christian Todem

Head of System Development, Austrian Power Grid

Sven Kaiser

chair of the ACER/CEER future policy task force and deputy director electricity at E-Control

Marcus Franken

Managing Director, Thema Consulting Deutschland

Sabine Wanger

Head of Commercial Austria, ContourGlobal

Andrea Benckendorff


Klaus Sehling

Commercial Management Business Development, Verbund Green Hydrogen

Max Schuler

Global Category Lead Power & Natural Gas Projects, Heidelberg Materials

Terms and conditions Montel Events
Payment due within 30 days from received invoice. If you are prevented from coming, a colleague can take your place. If you have to cancel your registration, an administration fee of 10% will be charged. If the cancellation takes place two weeks prior to the conference, you will be charged 50% of the price. If the cancellation takes place one week prior to the conference, total amount will be charged. Cancellations have to be in writing.