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Short-term power markets seminar 2024

Join our afternoon seminar for Long term changes in short-term markets, 28 August 2024
financial tools

Register for Short-term power markets seminar 2024

Register for Short-term power markets seminar 2024

Join us as we dive into the latest changes having long-lasting impacts on short-term power markets. Throughout the afternoon, some of the energy sector’s finest minds will be outlining the impacts of changes of everything from NEMO’s Day-Ahead and Intraday to TSO’s balancing cross border markets to the local DSO’s flexibility markets.  

Location: Oslo Plaza
Date & Time: August 28, 2024, 12:00 - 17:00
Pricing: EUR 295. Attendees joining both this event and the Nordic Energy Day on August 29 enjoy a 15% discount on both events.

Stay tuned for more details on the agenda and speakers. Whether you're a market analyst, energy professional, or an industry stakeholder, this event is poised to equip you with foresight and expertise crucial for navigating the evolving energy markets. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your understanding and prepare for the future challenges and opportunities in the energy sector.

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12:00 – 13:00 Lunch & registration

13:00 - 13:15 Welcome! Introduction to the short-term markets

Haakon Reiersen Leknes, Montel

13:15 - 13:35 Short-term markets: A traders’ perspective

How to handle volatility cross various short-term markets and the use of BESS.  

Atle Sebjørnsen, Short-Term Power Trading Expert, Uniper Global Commodities  

13:35 - 13:55 Short-term markets: Consumer's perspective

Data centers' flexibility and how they use batteries for trading in short-term markets  

Bente Hagem, Consultant, CTS Nordics AS  

Halvor Bjerke, Senior Advisor & Business Developer, STACK Infrastructure & IPI Partners

NEMO Markets:

13:55 - 14:30 Nordic Flow-Based Market Coupling

What to expect with implementation of Flow-Based in both Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) and Single Intraday Market Coupling (SIDC). Lessons learned from the implementation of Flow-Based in SDAC on the European continent, and the upcoming introduction of Flow-Based to Intraday Continuous (IDC), and what to expect next.  

Priyanka Shinde, PhD, Nordic Market Expert, Montel Analytics 

14:30 - 14:50 Coffee break

14:50 - 15:10 Intraday Auctions: The first 10 weeks

How does the market look after the introduction of Intraday Auctions (IDA), and their impact on Intraday Continuous (IDC) and the other short-term markets. 

Kristiane Granaasen Jørstad, Trading Adviser, Service Owner, Nord Pool 

TSO markets:

15:10 - 15:35 PICASSO: Lessons learned

What we have learned from the rollout of PICASSO on the European continent and what to expect when it is implemented in the Nordics. 

Jean-Paul Harreman
Director, Montel Analytics  

15:35 - 15:55 PICASSO: What to expect in the Nordics and when

What we expect from the implementation of PICASSO in Finland and the Nordics, and aFRR lessons learned. 

Tuomas Mattila
Balancing Markets Expert at Fingrid 

15:55 - 16:15 Shorter short-term trading - greater granularity and automation

Impact of introduction of 15 minutes products in short-term power markets (15 MTU) and additional complexity. What would an additional boost in automation of trading in short-term markets entail for power market traders and analysts?   

Maximilian Kiessler, COO, PowerBot 

DSO’s flexibility markets:

16:15 - 16:40 Updates of Flexibility markets

What impact could the regulatory changes submitted to ACER have on the market design, and how will it help overcome the increasing challenges the DSOs are facing. How to unlock the value of flexibility and trade Euroflex . 

Guro Grøtterud, Senior Project Manager, NODES market   

Panel discussion:

16:40 - 17:00 Open discussion on short-term markets

A panel will discuss recent and future short-term market developments and topics covered today while inviting questions from the audience.  

17:00 - 18:30 Refreshments and networking


Atle Sebjørnsen

Short-Term Power Trading Expert, Uniper Global Commodities


Priyanka Shinde

PhD, Nordic Market Expert, Montel Analytics

Kristiane Granaasen Jørstad

Trading Adviser, Service Owner, Nord Pool

Jean-Paul Harreman

Director, Montel Analytics

Tuomas Mattila

Balancing Markets Expert at Fingrid

Maximilian Kiessler

COO, PowerBot

Guro Grøtterud

Senior Project Manager, NODES market

Bente Hagem

Consultant, CTS Nordics AS

Halvor Bjerke

Senior Advisor & Business Developer, STACK Infrastructure & IPI Partners