Marja Salonen
Events management
Events management
Professor for energy economics at the University of Applied Sciences in Erfurt, Business Developer at Volue Insight
Prof. Konstantin Lenz, has specialised in market modelling and analysis as well as in trading and hedging strategies for the German gas and power market. His main focus is the long-term development of the German power market.
He is professor for energy economics at the University of Applied Sciences in Erfurt. Prof. Lenz studied power and process engineering at the Berlin University of Technology and received a doctoral degree for his research work in the field of thermodynamics. He started in the liberalised energy markets working for Electrabel where he was responsible for price and product management mainly for industrial end-consumers. As head of the German analysis of the Norwegian Markedskraft group he built up the German operations and developed models and market analysis as product for external customers. Later on he took as director of portfolio management and trading at Kom-Solution care of gas and power portfolios of local utilities and industrial customers. Afterwards he worked as independent consultant on different projects in the German power market focussing on long-term analysis, risk management and trading. Together with Nasdaq Commodities he was responsible for the development of wind index futures for the German power market and their underlying index. Since 2018, he develops with Volue Insight products for long-term analysis.