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The E-world 2022 countdown begins! Looking ahead to June in Essen

April 25th, 2022

With E-world 2022 getting closer and closer, read on for a preview of our plans for this year’s trade fair and see how things might be slightly different on the Montel stand to how you remember them…

We have missed you!

As E-world returns, so does Montel, and you can look forward to it knowing that we are already going through our usual preparations to get ready for our favourite event.

Having hosted our stand every year since 2001 (before the pandemic of course) not being there gave us some extra time to think, so we have added some new ideas this time round in order to celebrate being able to get together once again:

For 20 years, Montel's stand has been where the market comes to meet.

Digital sessions – live

For the very first time, Montel will be hosting a series of digital live sessions at E-world - where we will be talking to market participants, our co-exhibitors and our fellow Montellos to bring you the latest news and updates from our stand. This means that no matter where you are – whether it’s on site or at home – you can still get your annual fix from the happy stand!

Digital sessions offer a completely new way for you to experience the Montel stand.

 Visit our E-world 2022 page to sign up for our latest updates:

Co-exhibitor catch-ups

As we get nearer to the event, we will be catching up with some of our great co-exhibitors for a series of informal chats, so you can hear their latest news and learn why everyone is so excited for those three February days in Essen. Look out for updates via our social media channels and make sure you don't miss a thing.

Each year, we offer the opportunity for co-exhibitors to join us and share in the famous E-world atmosphere.

Follow us on socials

Book your meetings ahead of time

Montel might not have been the Montel Group for long, but we want you to see it all! Book a meeting online with one of our experts at the stand and let them guide you through our product portfolio, including AI, Marketplace and much much more.

The Montel Group comprises eight businesses across five countries - providing all you need to track energy markets in real-time and assess the future direction of travel.

So, whether its news, data, analysis or forecasting, the Montel Group has the right services to help you navigate your way through energy markets during this period of unprecedented transition.

We hope to see you soon!