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Energy price drivers

See the factors causing energy price movements with supporting information across multiple energy commodities.


Track key inputs affecting power, gas and oil markets with a range of supporting data:

European hydro reserves

French nuclear production

Global coal imports and exports

German wind and solar production

German TSO analysis

German RWE generation

German cross-border flows

German control reserve

European gas storage & pipeline flows (undersea and land)

European LNG storage & terminal flows

Global production and consumption

OPEC oil data - Production, stocks, prices & margins

US oil data - Production, rig count & stocks

Clear visualisations

Track the supporting data with a range of interactive maps and charts, making the information easy to understand.

Delivery methods

View everything in our dedicated platform to build custom views and access advanced charting tools.

Montel's Excel integration plugin automatically streams live and historical data directly into your Microsoft Excel sheet, giving you the choice between live prices, historical open/high/low/close, trade history, spot data and fundamental data.

See energy price data updated in real-time where you need it most.

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