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How corporate consumers can go green

We are delighted to invite you to this seminar tailored for corporate actors, focusing on power procurement strategies and market updates.
solar panels with view of a city

Register for How corporate consumers can go green

Taking place in Vienna on September 25, we will be joined by a panel of expert procurement strategists, sustainability managers and market experts to outline the ways in which energy affects businesses.

We will also provide you with some wider context around energy markets, including the expected direction of travel, the main factors driving price changes and how regulatory developments are set to affect companies like yours.

For questions, please contact


Registration and coffee


Welcome to How corporate can and must go green using power procurement strategies in the light of recent and future power markets developments.  

Market perspective:

Power price outlook

Update on recent power prices and what to look out for in the time to come that will impact both short-term and financial power markets.  

Tobias Federico, Montel  

Regulatory and current developments of GO

Legal changes to the markets are taking place and we will explain their impact. Market development, price updated and what to expect in the years to come.   

Laura Malinen, Market Manager, Guarantees of Origin, Montel Match 


Montel Academic Content:  
Online material and course which explain everything you need to know about GO is available.   

Price development of European Power Purchase Agreements (PPA)

Procurement strategies with PPAs and how to agree on price. How can corporate consumers go green, including how to agree on the right price of GO.  

Josephine Steppat, Power Market Analyst & PPA Adviser, Montel  

Matthis Brinkhaus, Senior Analyst, Montel  


Montel Academic Content:  

Online material and course which explain everything you need to know about PPA is available.   


Corporate purchase strategies

Green reporting requirements for corporates

Corporate purchase strategies on how to go green when taken ESG and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) into account.

Speaker to be confirmed

How to secure the optimal procurement strategy

Case studies where we cover does and don’t: A practical approach to have your company can secure the optimal green power procurement strategy.  

Speaker to be confirmed

Panel discussion, recap and summary

Networking dinner reception


Tobias Federico


Laura Malinen

Market Manager, Guarantees of Origin, Montel Match

Josephine Steppat

Power Market Analyst & PPA Adviser, Montel

Matthis Brinkhaus

Senior Analyst, Montel

Terms and conditions Montel Events
Payment due within 30 days from received invoice. If you are prevented from coming, a colleague can take your place. If you have to cancel your registration, an administration fee of 10% will be charged. If the cancellation takes place two weeks prior to the conference, you will be charged 50% of the price. If the cancellation takes place one week prior to the conference, total amount will be charged. Cancellations have to be in writing.