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German Energy Day 2023

Thank you all those joining us in Düsseldorf and our annual Energy Day at Europe's biggest power market. Hope to see you again in 2024!

Topical and insightful market updates provided an overview of the outlook for Europe's largest energy market. Following the conference, we welcomed our attendees to join the traditional networking dinner cruise on MS Riverstar.

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09:00 – 09:30 Registration and coffee

09:30 – 09:40 Opening words

Moderator Snjolfur Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel News

End of the energy crisis? Outlook for next winter

09:40 – 10:05 Power

Tobias Federico, Managing Director, Energy Brainpool

10:05 – 10:30 LNG

Andreas Schroeder, Head of Energy Analytics, ICIS (Quantitative)

10:30 – 10:55 Carbon

Bernadett Papp, Head of Market Analysis, Pact Capital

10:55 – 11.25 Coffee break

A new market for the new energy world

11.30 – 11:55 Panel: A new market for the new energy world – what’s on the table and will it work?

Paul Dawson, Head of Regulatory Affairs, RWE Supply & Trading GmbH
Philipp Pfefferle, Advocacy & Communications, BASF
Stefan-Jörg Göbel, SVP Country Manager Germany, Statkraft Markets GmbH

Moderated by Julia Demirdag, Montel News

11:55 – 12:10 Will energy trading ever be the same again?

Fredrik Bodecker, CEO and Partner, Bodecker Partners

12:10 – 12:30 Discussion: The Future of Energy Trading

Jörg Selbach-Röntgen, CEO, MET Germany
Fredrik Bodecker, CEO and Partner, Bodecker Partners

Moderated by Nathan Witkop, Montel News

12:30 – 13:35 Lunch

Greening the German industry

13:35 – 13.55 Can German industry wean itself off gas? Prices, fundamentals, alternatives

Trevor Sikorski, Head of Natural Gas and Carbon Research, Energy Aspects

13:55 – 14:15 Greening industry – how can firms best meet climate targets?

PinZhen Shen, Sustainability Specialist Energy, Purchasing & Logistics Area North

IKEA Purchasing Services (Germany) GmbH

14:15 – 14:35 Energy-intensive industry – leakage to low price regions?

Chris Dye, Category Manager - Energy (Europe) & Renewable Energy (Global), NSG Pilkington

14:35 – 14:55 The role of corporate PPAs in industrial Decarbonisation – Trends and Outlook

Thekla von Bülow, Co-Head of Advisory, Central Europe, Aurora Energy Research

15.00 – 15.35 Coffee break

Short-term markets

15.35 – 16.00 Trading short-term power – a use case

Jean-Paul Harreman, Director, EnAppSys BV

16.00 – 16.25 Short-term power trading – have the machines taken over?

Amani Joas, Managing Director, CF Flex Power

16.25 – 16.45 Cross-market battery optimization – maximize revenues and minimize risk

Jürgen Pfalzer, Chief Growth Officer, Enspired

16.45 Closing words

17:00 - 18:00 Drink reception

18:30 - 22:30 Dinner cruise on MS Riverstar


Tobias Federico

Managing Director, Energy Brainpool

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Andreas Schroeder

Head of Energy Analytics, ICIS (Quantitative)

Bernadett Papp

Head of Market Analysis, Pact Capital

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Paul Dawson

Head of Regulatory Affairs, RWE Supply & Trading GmbH

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Philipp Pfefferle

Advocacy & Communications, BASF

Stefan-Jörg Göbel

SVP Country Manager Germany, Statkraft Markets GmbH

Fredrik Bodecker

CEO and Partner, Bodecker Partners

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Jörg Selbach-Röntgen

CEO, MET Germany

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Trevor Sikorski

Head of Natural Gas and Carbon Research, Energy Aspects

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PinZhen Shen

Sustainability Specialist Energy, Purchasing & Logistics Area North IKEA Purchasing Services (Germany) GmbH

Missing image

Chris Dye

Category Manager - Energy (Europe) & Renewable Energy (Global), NSG Pilkington

Thekla von Bülow

Co-Head of Advisory, Central Europe Aurora Energy Research

Jean-Paul Harreman

Director, EnAppSys BV

Amani Joas

Managing Director, CF Flex Power

Missing image

Jürgen Pfalzer

Chief Growth Officer, Enspired

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