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Power price scenarios

Power price simulations until 2060 give you a clear indication of future developments.

Scenarios overview:

Get more than just a long-term view of power prices. our energy market experts provide you with not just the headline numbers, but explanations you can understand at a glance. Take the scenarios and run your own analysis, or talk to us for further help in applying the results to your individual requirements.

Europe will no longer import gas from Russia after 2027, hydrogen will will play a central role and renewables will expand quickly.

A slower rollout of renewable generation.

Europe stops importing Russian gas as soon as possible, higher carbon prices and lack of support as well as resources for the energy transition.

Fossil fuel gas in Europe is replaced by hydrogen on a long-term basis, increased societal electrification and near-doubling of power demand.

Make informed decisions

Decide which energy sector investments are right for you, track the development of power prices across markets and assess the suitability of your business model.

Leading European banks, investors and energy suppliers have long counted on our support to assess the economic viability of projects and plants, trusting our well researched, independent results.

Added support

Alongside the dependable power price scenarios for 18 European countries, you also receive baseload and capture prices for both wind and solar PV until 2060. Choose from annual, monthly or hourly resolution.

Two hours of Q & A are also included to ensure you can verify and undertsand the scenarios presented.

Delivery methods

Available as single projects or updated on a quarterly basis, Power Price Scenarios are delivered via an excel file containing all results and assumptions used. Added explanatory documentation makes the process easy to understand.

Try power price scenarios for free

With so much data available, Montel Analytics often requires tailored solutions. Get in touch with our product experts so we can build the exact package to meet your needs.