- Energy supply & demand
- Weather data
- Hydrology
- REMIT data
- Interconnector flows
- Futures, fuels and costs
- Intraday power prices
- Day ahead power forecasts
- PPA prices
- Balancing market data
- Ancillary services data
- EU power plant database
- Power price scenarios
- Hydrogen Price Index
- Advisory reports
- Production forecasting
- Demand forecasting
- Geolocation analysis
- Power 2 Sim
REMIT data
Outage and capacity information quantified into price driving signals help you understand wholesale market reporting.
Outage messages converted to time series data makes it easy for you to keep models updated with the latest information.
All REMIT outage messages made readable and sorted for when they are active give you the most current view. Filter by planned or unplanned, production by fuel type, consumption, or transmission.
Text quantified into curves for all individual units. Aggregated curves by fuel type make it easy for you to see the complex composition of the supply-side, either as total or by fuel type.
REMIT for consumption, production and transmission capacities are coupled to our price model.This facilitates valuations in terms of €/MWh for all reported changes, instantly showing you the impact of outages.
Superimposing historical production helps you understand the relationship between available capacity and output. Available down to individual units.
Our REMIT curve archive makes it easy to review market incidents retrospectively, helping you verify available capacities for any past date.
View the time slice relevant to the part of the market you trade, day-ahead, week-ahead or month-ahead.
Transmission Capacities
Borders where outage information is available mapped as a time series. Get ahead of net transfer capacities on ENTSO-E, with more up to date REMIT messages.
Individual plants
1600+ power plants mapped and continually updated. When new messages are received, we generate a new time series with current capacities to give you the most comprehensive overview.
Actual production
Actual production for individual power plants calculated and prepared for you to use in your daily activities.
Fuel type availability
Aggregated capacities by fuel type and country give you the overview of coal, gas and other power production methods you need.
Try REMIT data for free
With so much data available, Montel Analytics often requires tailored solutions. Get in touch with our product experts so we can build the exact package to meet your needs.